Celebrating International Womens Day

Celebrating International Womens Day

In keeping with our commitment to fairness, inclusion, and diversity TNT Justice Consultants takes this opportunity to acknowledge and pay respect to all Women during International Women’s Day (IWD).  As an “Ally Advancing Equity” that focuses on “Doing Diversity...
Celebrating Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

TNT recognizes the significance of the month of February in honouring Black History Month in Canada. As a corporate equity ally, we value our relationships with members of many diverse communities and organizations As the Canadian leader in anti-bias training TNT is...
What is a Stereotype Threat and why is it Important?

What is a Stereotype Threat and why is it Important?

Stereotype Threat (ST; Steele & Aronson, 1995) is a term used to describe the unconscious anxiety created when we are concerned that others may view us using a stereotype for the group to which we belong. It is not necessary that we believe the stereotype about...
Why Do Public Transportation Systems need Bias Training?

Why Do Public Transportation Systems need Bias Training?

How does public transportation worldwide allow the opportunity for racial bias and discrimination to take place? Here is a hint. Most urban transit systems inherently facilitate and encourage a reliance on unconscious bias due to the reverse principle of the rider...