Special Constable Training
At TNT, we understand that members of law enforcement agencies are constantly facing an ever-changing legal and social landscape. With this in mind, our curriculum is always evolving to ensure our clients are receiving the gold standard of training, aligned with the current state of the law and statutory requirements.
TNT takes a collaborative approach with clients to ensure that an engaging and appropriate learning experience is provided. We also have the ability to seamlessly transition from in-person to synchronous instruction as the situation dictates.

Our Instructors
TNT’s experienced instructors include a diverse range of subject matter experts in the fields of law enforcement, mental health, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Clients are provided academically sound training enhanced by our instructors’ real-world experiences within their diverse policing backgrounds.

Training We Offer
TNT’s team of subject matter experts have established relationships within their industries and the justice sector, providing the resources to ensure training is up-to-date, relevant to specific organizational roles and that it meets the standards audited by police and justice training agencies.

Moot Court Training
TNT is recognized as one of the few organizations delivering a fully licenced Moot Court training program. We provide our clients with intensive court-based scenarios to ensure officers are prepared to testify in court.

Diversity Training
Our TNT experts understand the importance of addressing challenging topics such as micro aggression, anti oppression, implicit bias plaguing society and your organizations. That is why TNT employs some of the most notable, accredited specialists in diversity training in the country.

Mental Health Training
TNT’s curriculum includes training led by accredited and recognized experts in mental health, de-escalation, self-care and resiliency training.

TNT will develop and completely customize training programs, to ensure they suit organizational needs and training goals.
What else can TNT Offer?
Special Constable Orientation Training
Special Constable Re-Certification (as required by law)
Special Constable Front-line Supervisor’s Course
Anti-Oppression, Micro Aggression, Anti-Racism Training
Police Powers & Investigative Training
Use of Force Certification & Re-Certification
Video Analysis, Evidence, & Investigations Training
Critical Incident Training
Implicit Bias Testing
Who are our clients?

Wilfred Laurier University

The University of Toronto St. George & Mississauga campuses

McMaster University

Brock University

The University of Windsor

Carleton University

The University of Waterloo

The University of Guelph

Western University