What We Believe
Our Mission and Our Vision
Our Mission
To Promote Evidence-based approaches designed to effectively mitigate negative subconscious attitudes within all levels of Government, Social and Private Services in Canada.

Our Vision
Different with Difference is how we describe our approach to individual differences in organizations. It is about our not being afraid to admit how we feel and think. To try to understand why this is the case and to be mindful about how these impacts others based on positional or societal power.
What can we do differently is the question most organizations ask themselves to address issues of bias, systemic bias, and policy within their organizations? TNT and Shire Professional believe the way organizations “Do Diversity” has to change. It has to change because what has been done in the past has had limited if not dubious, success.
Although traditional approaches have raised general awareness between employers and employees, they have also raised anxiety, highlighted differences, and generally have led to cultures where people are unsure or afraid to honestly talk about differences. Diversity studies have become increasingly perceived as open indictments of the current dominant culture and focusing solely on minority or non-dominant groups. Of note, as witnessed by current racial tensions and events, is a clear indication of the reality that traditional approaches have had very little impact on the underlying attitudes of concern. People have simply been encouraged or forced not to address their own thoughts and feelings about individual differences in our organizations and communities. The concept of “different with difference” encourages all of us to not be afraid of admitting how we feel and think, to try and understand why this is the case and to be mindful about how this impacts others.