Director of Operations & Business Solutions

Theodore Parassakis

Theodore (Theo) Parassakis is a highly regarded and efficient leader at TNT. As the Director of business operations, Mr. Parassakis leads a team of highly skilled members who ensure customer service 24/365 to our clients. Mr. Parassakis is known nationally as someone who understands clients’ web needs, but more importantly, understands that their business needs go beyond customer satisfaction to loyalty. Over the past year, Mr. Parassakis has delivered on mission-critical, technically challenging projects under tight timelines while also providing exceptional operational support to our clientele.

Mr. Parassakis has an immense passion for supporting and advocating for equity, diversity and inclusion in and out of the workplace. As a current micro-aggression trainer, Mr. Parassakis provides training, guidance and support to the liaisons within the many government (and large private) clients we work with.

Mr. Parassakis has attained an Honour Roll diploma in Police Foundations, in addition to holding a highly esteemed Certificate in Entrepreneurship from Harvard Business School. He is also attending the University of Toronto for Business studies. As a result of his educational and professional background, Mr. Parassakis has provided TNT with expansive ideas, spanning from the technical aspect of the business to the frontline experience and rudimentary knowledge of the criminal justice system.

Mr. Parassakis offers a balance in understanding the dynamic nature between governmental needs and the business world’s progressive mindset. Mr. Parassakis ’s friendly demeanor and knowledge have enabled him to communicate effectively with law enforcement members and fellow entrepreneurs with the consistent desire to drive TNT into the future.

Mr. Parassakis, before joining the TNT executive team, was a Correctional officer in Toronto for six years. Additionally, Mr. Parassakis held several high-level security and administrative positions before his current position at TNT. In his current role, he is an advisor to the Constable Selection System Committee for the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police. He also provides training for police recruiters and police leadership across the province. Lastly he is a subject matter expert on police medical and fitness standards.

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