Use of Force Instructor

Phil Duncan

Phil Duncan is a Use of Force Expert/Instructor with over 35 years of Martial Arts expertise. Subject Matter Expert in Plainclothes and Undercover Close Quarter Survival. Fifteen years of Plainclothes and Undercover experience with a total of 23 years of law enforcement experience. Twelve years have included instructing Plainclothes and Undercover officers in Survival tactics and Undercover operations.

Phil Duncan has worked various plainclothes units, has conducted over 1500 plainclothes investigations, which include but are not limited to Homicide, Firearm, Gang, Drug, and Traditional Organized Crime investigations. In his role, Phil has conducted upwards of 300 active entry search warrants and over 500 High-Risk Vehicle Takedowns. Phil is considered a subject matter expert in Use of Force and Undercover Officer Safety.

Recently before he retired from the police service, Phil was a Senior Use of Force/Defensive Tactics Instructor at the Toronto Police Training College in charge of such areas as the Tactical Plainclothes Survival Course, Defensive Tactics, De-Escalation, and Scenario-based Judgement Training. Phil spent five years as a Senior Undercover Operative Handler and 12 years, and Undercover Operative. Phil was considered a founding member of the first Gun and Gang Task Force in Canada formed in 2002. In those roles, for the past 12 years, Phil has been a facilitator and Lead instructor of the Undercover Foundations Course for the Intelligence Division – Covert Operations Undercover Unit. Phil was also tasked with developing a Close Quarter Survival Course for our Undercover Operatives.

Phil was the Head Instructor and in charge of delivering the curriculum for this course, including Weapons Survival training. Besides, Phil was a member of a select team that acted as Handlers and provided Witness Protection to Undercover officers testifying in major court cases (i.e., Homicide Trials).

Professional certifications and education include Degree in Justice Studies from the University of Guelph Humber, Certificate in Adult Learning, Humber College, Certification Extended Range Impact Weapon Instructor (i.e., Sock Round,) Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) Instructor (i.e., TASER. X26), Provincially Certified Firearms Instructor, Use of Force Instructor, Ontario Police College and with the Ministry of Community and Safety Correctional Services, Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario (C.I.S.O.), Expert Witness General Division Court.

Established in Toronto Educating Around the World