Services We Offer
Leadership Training

Anti-Oppression & Microaggression Seminars
Canada is often viewed as a bastion of racial tolerance, long celebrated as a haven for racial minorities. The ongoing existence of anti-Black racism, institutionalized racism and discriminatory practices in various systems and sectors (i.e. within private sector organizations, education, policing, criminal justice, housing, and employment, etc.) serve as root causes of outcomes including poor health, low self-esteem, psychological trauma, and numerous injustices toward Black, Indigenous and racialized Canadians both in and out of the workplace.
Microaggressions are a subtler form of racism and TNT’s training will define microaggressions, while also examining their subtle qualities and how they compare and lend to racism. Through interactive workshops, participants will be encouraged to share experiences relating to stereotyping and colour blindness, and how these microaggressions, amongst others, manifest themselves in the workplace and within private and public sector organizations.

Implicit Bias & Recognition Training
There is a wealth of information supporting the efficacy of Implicit Bias Testing in helping people to recognize and understand their own implicit biases. It is widely accepted that everyone has implicit biases and that their effects can vary widely. Often, the impact of implicit biases can be subtle, including for instance, not listening attentively, dismissing certain points of view, or marginalizing certain opinions. On the extreme end of the spectrum these biases may impair an individual’s ability to treat victims in a fair or impartial manner. Implicitly®, offered through TNT, delivers tailored testing and detailed feedback reports, to enable individuals to better understand and manage their biases.
The aggregation of data available from the categories of testing selected by organizations can have a wider use in audits and evaluations, hiring, promotion, training and staff development. TNT supports test takers with private reports containing confidential results, as well as a handbook to support learning how to mitigate detected biases. Upon request, TNT can also provide various other supports to organizations including the provision of written materials, workshops, seminars, and for larger organizations, train the trainer programming approaches.
Our Services

Implicit Bias Training Testing
TNT provides support for test-takers with private reports containing confidential test results, as well as a handbook that supports learning how to mitigate detected biases.

Experts in all Social Fields
Our team has the right combination of real-world professional experience and academic acumen, positioning them as diverse experts in many fields of social justice.

Curriculum Development
Our professors have worked with some of the top post-secondary institutions in Ontario and have the requisite experience to develop extensive and specialized curriculum(s).

Procedural training
With experts in many fields and areas of expertise, our team delivers training for justice practitioners and other professionals which has been consistently described as “high calibre, operationally relevant,” and at the leading edge of professional education.

Microaggression & Anti-Oppression Seminars
TNT’s training explains the concept of micro-aggressions, their subtle qualities, and how they compare and contribute to racism. Through interactive workshops, participants are encouraged to share experiences with things such as stereotyping and colour blindness.

Community Research
Our justice experts have substantial experience working in the community and can handle many complex and/or unique research tasks.

With an array of experience in criminal, human rights and administrative investigations, our team brings expertise in areas including but not limited to major crimes, homicide, drugs, and human resources.

Diversity training experts
Our access to a wide range of justice professionals with specialized skills in diversity, inclusion, and human rights, positions TNT to effectively deliver operationally practical training that is fundamental to workplace harmony and equitable service provision in a socially complex society.

Expert witness testimonial
Our justice professionals are uniquely qualified and nationally recognized in their ability to deliver expert witness testimony within their specific areas of expertise.

Organizational audits
In addition to strong communication skills, our detail-orientated team can apply their education, training, and experience to conduct detailed research, audits and analysis.

Intensive Training for active Police & Special Constables
With our combined and diverse experience within TNT, we deliver an operationally relevant and specialized curriculum that will meet modern professionals’ needs by providing safety and protective services training in the context of a rapidly evolving society.
Services We Delivered
TNT prides itself on the utmost professionalism, and our team will strive to ensure you get more than a satisfactory result from working with us. We have worked extensively with notable organizations that can attest to our service quality. The following provide details on some of our more notable partnerships.
TNT and Shire Professional Psychologists are partnering on a volunteer pilot project examining best practices for conducting implicit bias assessments and testing across all levels and areas of the justice sector. This project began in November 2020 and is expected to continue into late 2021.
TNT administers the police applicant testing system (CSS) for the Province of Ontario in partnership with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP).
TNT provides testing services for police applicants, in partnership with the RCMP’s Ontario Division; it is anticipated that this testing will be available across Canada by the end of 2021.
Consulting and training for Correctional Services Canada.
Consulting and training for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
Consulting with the OPP on promotional web services.
Consulting with York Regional Police Service on leadership development programs.
Consulting with private industry and law firms on investigations and training.
Consulted on and led the research team in the implementation of the Neighbourhood Police Program with Toronto Police Service, which is now embedded in policy.
Training on security video analysis and investigation, evidence and testifying.
Training for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (i.e. inspectors, directors and residential and community program supervisors) on conducting compliance investigations, evidence collection, enhancing investigative interview skills and preparing for court of tribunal testifying.
Worked with the University of Toronto Campus Police to provide recruit training, re-certification training, and coach officer training. This includes workshops on anti-oppression, microaggressions, Cannabis: the New Reality and the university’s mobile crisis intervention program, as well as a review on campus policing.
Administered new recruit training, as well as anti-oppression and microaggression workshops for the University of Guelph.
Administered new recruit training, anti-oppression and microaggression seminars and Use of Force certification for Wilfred Laurier University.
Administered new recruit training at Carleton University, Brock University and the University of Toronto (Mississauga).
Conducting a range of investigations involving public sector agencies.
Administered Correctional Officer Training for the National Ministry of Justice in Grenada.
Consulted on a partnership agreement with Wilfrid Laurier University to develop pathways to higher education for justice practitioners in policing services, international professional officers, and the RCMP for the Canadian Police College.
Collaborated with the Ontario Association of Special Constables to centralize standardized quality training across the province.
Proud partner of Emond Publishing, to produce training films on cannabis legislation and a new Special Constable Manual.